Manpower Supply through Outsourcing
Manpower Supply through Outsourcing:
M/S. Mostafa & Co. offers comprehensive Manpower Supply services through Outsourcing, categorized into five categories. Our expertise covers a diverse range of job roles, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your requirements. Explore the following categories to discover the ideal workforce for your needs:
Category 1 refers to services related to technical tasks and similar jobs such as heavy-duty drivers, supervisors, caretakers, ward masters, electricians, lift mechanics, AC mechanics, pump mechanics, generator mechanics, and other related technical and similar tasks.
Category 2 refers to services related to technical tasks and similar jobs such as light-duty drivers, sanitation mechanic (plumbing mechanic ), rajmistri (mason), kath mistri (carpenter), rajmistri, pump operator, air-conditioning operator, generator operator, welder, meter reader, and similar tasks.
Category 3 includes assistant engine mechanics, tendal operators, greasers, tailors, stitchers, and similar tasks.
Category 4 of services refers to laundry operators, carpet installers, assistant electricians, shoemakers, cooks, gardeners, skilled laborers, and similar tasks.
Category 5 of services includes security guards, cleaners, assistant gardeners, electrical helpers, carpenter helpers, sanitation helpers, pump helpers, vehicle helpers, AC mechanic helpers, guards, lab attendants, OT attendants, emergency attendants, stretcher bearers, ward boys, male attendants, assistant cooks, lift operators, linemen, floor and tile workers, masons' helpers, messengers, torchbearers, animal attendants, guesthouse attendants, hostel attendants, domestic helpers, binders, unskilled laborers, and similar tasks.